Dressing to impress is always on the minds of high school students. Chuck Briscoe, principal at Century High School in Rochester, is also dressing to impress – and he has impressed many more than he thought he would.
Each Tuesday, Chuck dons his tuxedo for school. "I'm trying to model for students that you dress for success. When I dress up, I do a little better work, I feel better." Each Tuesday, is now known as ‘Tuxedo Tuesday’. Chuck has had this idea rolling around in his head for a while; a friend’s challenge was all that he needed to make it happen this year.
"Tuxedo Tuesday" has had an amazing ripple effect throughout the school. The students are excited to see the tuxedo every Tuesday. Even some of the students and staff have started to dress in their finest on Tuesdays to join in the effort. During spirit week at school, the office staff dressed up in tuxedos to emulate Chuck.
The positive impact that Tuxedo Tuesdays have created is worth the extra effort Chuck takes. "People look at you differently in the real world and the expectations are higher. It's another take off about how you dress is important. You get one chance to make an impression, and if that's the first impression, it may not be a good one…if your pants are on the ground." Chuck chuckled, referencing the recent audition on American Idol.
We all know the three “R”s that schools focus on. Chuck has added a fourth “R” and feels tops them all. The most important "R" that exists in every school is the relationship "R." Great principals work very hard to establish and maintain positive relationships with the student body and the staff. The positive effect of wearing a tuxedo each week is an example on what a leader can do to have an effect on their relationship with everyone in the building.
Chuck tries to get a photo or two each Tuesday with students or staff to commemorate each week as it passes. According to him, he has every vest and tie color under the sun. Beyond the pictures, Chuck recently was contacted by WCCO and a story will be airing in mid-February about Tuxedo Tuesdays.

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